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Delivering World-
Class Engineering Structural Integrity Services

We provide cutting-edge and innovative services in Structural Integrity Inspections, Asset Integrity Management (AIM), Advanced Non-Destructive Testing (Advanced NDT), and Offshore Projects Management...

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AAXAL Offshore Services was established to provide cutting-edge and innovative services in Structural Integrity Inspections, Asset Integrity Management (AIM), Advanced Non-Destructive Testing (Advanced NDT), and Offshore Projects Management.


Our mission is to provide innovative services of the highest quality that have a positive impact on our client's bottom-line.

What We Do

Our vision is to become a global reference point in quality, innovation, and cost-effectiveness in the services we provide and in every industrial and geographical market sector we operate.

Construction Site

Structural Integrity Inspections

Surface and Underwater Structural Inspections, Underwater Inspection in Lieu Dry- docking (UWILD), Port Facilities Inspection, Thread Inspection, Pipelines Inspection, Rig Recertification, Plant Inspection, Tank Inspection


Advanced NDT Solutions

Advanced Inspection Technologies (ACFM, ECA, PEC, LRUT, PAUT, TOFD, AUT, etc), Conventional NDT Techniques (MT, UT, ET, VT, PT, RT), Level III NDT Consultancy (Procedure Writing, Third Party Verification), and Provision of qualified advanced NDT Personnel & Equipment


Underwater and Topside Robotics

This includes visual inspection, cleaning ultrasonic testing, sonar, corrosion measurement, chain measurement and laser metrology tools all capable of being deployed robotically.


Offshore Project Management

This includes Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC), Inspections Project Management, Diving Projects Management, Offshore Logistics Management, Operator Training/Competence Assessment...

Asset Intergrity Management

Abseiling, Diving & Diver-less
Intervention, Diving/Rope Access, ROV services, Bespoke Testing & Inspection, Pipeline Inspection Institutionalization of, Structural Inspection Programmes, Life Extension (LE) & Risk-Based Inspection (RBI), Engineering Asset Valuation and project cost


General Consultancy

We support various companies globally in the delivery of cutting-edge services. It is our view that making these technologies accessible to asset holders and other industry players will ho along way in ensuring the quality of integrity inspections in the region.


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